In November of 1957, Russia launched a rocket into space carrying a stray picked up from the streets of Moscow. Laika was sent into space with no hope or way of returning to Earth. She was sent to die, in space, alone. We know that her heart rate reached rates over twice as high as …
Category: Creative NonFiction
The Barber’s Son
His father was a barber. Joey Bowman, his father was a barber and actually owned a barbershop in Placerville, California. Placerville used to be called “Old Hangtown”, to mark the times when they used to hang people for various minor crimes back in the time that gold was discovered at Sutter’s Fort and the real …
Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức
It is the 11th of June, 1963. A man steps into a busy intersection in Saigon. Wearing the robes of a Buddhist monk, Thích Quảng Đức emerges from the car he had been riding in. The car is part of a procession; a group of a few hundred monks and nuns marching in two columns …