Burying Ghosts

Ghosts do not stay underground, no matter how deep you bury them they always find a way to return, floating up through dirt and rock. They come back, make their presence known, their aggravation only made more plain by you trying to be free of them. Ghosts do not want to be forgotten and dirt …


…was what she said as I walked past       and began to laugh. I imagined a bomb somewhere       killing a family on their way       home from church. As she laughed, I wanted to shake her       and ask her       why. I knew she didn’t have an       answer. She was just a messenger,       so someone would know       their …

Birds in a bush

I see her land on the branch before I hear their cries. I watch as she dips her beak down their throats. She gave them life, in this nest, within a Juniper bush. She still gives life to them despite the sweltering heat. She battles that heat and the other birds and the people in …

Bearing Witness in AZ

I bear witness to a different culture, like living in another country, where skin color and sexuality define a person, of willful ignorance and hurtful actions. I bear witness and am subjected to, a redneck calling a man a “flaming homosexual” right before she climbs into her lifted F-350 and burns a gallon of fuel …


What (something observed by the mind but not known) do (instead of sitting or standing without desire) we (the collective of beings we call humanity) know (the opposite of yes, because knowledge is power, yet ignorance is bliss) ? (!)


I do not care     for the self inflicted pains of humanity     in the concrete jungle of society. My apathy wants to say more     about humanity’s condition and mine. So distant from it all I feel. A hope for a brighter tomorrow brings     conversations that dictate what is right But I just don’t care enough     to …

Animated Despair

Her affections are manufactured humidity, stagnant smell in a world not fit for the putrid sweetness that announce her presence. She is an animated character, with perfectly drawn lines, scars criss crossing pale flesh, tear drop impressions of blood littering the ground around her feet. Sadness is her air with depression her fuel, we all …